
Clash Of Clans Base Ideas

One of the most important aspects of Clashing, and Ambivalent well, is protecting your trophies and loot.

It all hinges on your base and how information technology'south designed. Outside of having a great strategy for offensive attacks, defensive layouts offer you lot the hazard to protect resources you've produced or raided.

A poorly constructed base can give your enemies easy access to your loot, your trophies, or your war stars, while a well-designed base can protect vital resources and go on your enemies (and their goblins) out.

Here are our expert tips to keeping all your all-time stuff under lock and central.

Buildings: What needs protection? TH8

When considering your base design, knowing what to protect and what non to protect is critical.

As a full general rule, your defences and storages should all be in a protected position within the walls while other structures, such as army camps, should never be inside your walls. Retrieve of your base every bit a sprint lath with the bullseye being the most protected portion of your base.

What'southward in the bullseye? Town Hall – Depending on your strategy, you can either place your Town Hall within or exterior your walls. In trophy way, your Th is the bullseye. It's the building you want to protect the most of any other. Destroying it is the departure between a ane-star and 2-3 star attacks.

For trophy hunting, your town hall should be inside your walls in the middle of your base and well protected by defences. In farming mode (solely focusing on resources to build your village), your Th should be placed outside your walls in the corner. This gives whatsoever invading enemy the run a risk for easy trophies while leaving your precious resource storages intact.

Storages – Unless you are designing a war base of operations or in a full scale trophy push, your storages are the nigh important building to protect. Of the storages, the virtually important resource in the game is dark elixir. Exterior of your Th, dark elixir storage should be your nearly protected building. Information technology should be at the centre of your base, well insulated with defences. No exceptions.

Other storages should be placed within your walls with defences (preferably splash) nearby for protection. Storages should be spaced throughout your base and not in a primal location. One disquisitional mistake that many players make is placing all of their storages together in the centre of their base.

A skilled raider will easily gain access to the centre of the base, thus stealing all of the resource. Spreading out storages makes it more difficult to steal all available boodle.

Don't exercise this:


Exercise this:

Spread Clan Castle – Your clan castle should exist viewed as both a defensive building and a storage. Your association castle allows you to add an actress layer of protection with clan troops (provided you are in a clan) and also hold all war loot.

A suggested placement for your association castle is in the middle of your base near your nighttime elixir storage. This will make it more hard to release the clan castle troops pre-assault and also ensure that your boodle is well protected.

Inner most layer of defence just outside the bullseye

Just exterior of your nearly protected buildings, you should place your first line of defence. These defences include those that practice splash impairment or high levels of damage.

Mortar – Mortars defences provide splash harm to multiple targets. Mortars have a wide assail range and should be placed in the innermost portion of your base of operations. This will allow them attack and destroy groups of troops (such equally archers) from afar. X-Bow & Inferno Tower – Xbow and inferno towers should almost always be placed towards the centre of your base of operations. Both of these defences provide loftier levels of harm to whatsoever invading troops and are extremely value in protecting your loot. Subconscious Tesla – At town hall 7 and above, you have admission to hidden tesla. These defensive buildings provide surprise defense force against raiding troops. In farming mode, placement of tesla about storages provides extra defensive support. In bays style, teslas should be placed near your town hall. Mid level layer of defence

Just outside of your mortars, you should have defences that act as the 2nd layer of defence force afterwards archer towers and cannons (discussed below).

Wizard Tower Wizard Tower – Wizard towers deal splash damage to multiple targets, but have a narrow range for attack. Suggested placement is in the 2nd layer of defense (backside archer towers and cannons) and most storages for farming bases. Placement near storages will let them to quickly destroy groups of troops such as archers, barbs, and goblins. Air defence & Air Sweeper – Air defences serve only i purpose: attacking air troops. They are incredibly destructive to air units, but merely act every bit an obstacle to any ground unit of measurement. Suggested placement is scattered throughout the inner layers your base giving maximum defensive coverage should you lot be attacked from air.

Annotation: for early boondocks hall levels outside of war, air attacks are much less mutual than ground attacks, thus air defences are not as important for protection and tin can be placed towards the outer layers of your base for distraction.

Heroes – Placing your heroes inside your walls adds an extra layer of defense. They should be placed inside the walls behind the outset layer of defensive buildings like cannons and archer towers. Outer rings of defence

The outer nearly portion of your base should take your first layer of defence. These defences should take a wide radius for attack then that they can starting time destroying enemy troops early.

Cannon & Archer Tower – These defences provide unmarried target damage and have a broad radius for their assail range. Suggested placement for these units is just within your walls to act as the first layer of defence. Everything else Traps – Well placed traps are essential to a good defense. Handful your traps around your layout will increase the likelihood that enemy troops trigger them. After observing attacks on your base, you should exist able to know where troops are often probable to travel. Adjust your traps accordingly. Army Army camp, Barracks, Laboratory, Spell Mill, Collectors, Builder's Huts – All of these buildings are aught more than obstacles for invading troops. Assuming you regularly collect resources from your collectors, these buildings should be placed exterior of your wall as a distraction for troops such as barbarians, archers, and wizards.

These obstacles can be spaced from the wall, but in range of defences. While invading troops are occupied with them as distractions, your defences volition accept more time to destroy them.

Walls - Regardless of whether you lot're farming or trophy hunting, walls one of your biggest assets. Walls are your first line of defence and tin provide your defences valuable extra time against invading troops. There are several strategies for wall layouts: One layer One layer

This blueprint uses a single layer of wall to prevent troops from accessing the main portions of the base. Think of it every bit a debate effectually a business firm.

Typically this "debate" is used with an inner contend protecting your near valuable resources.

This type of base is ordinarily fairly like shooting fish in a barrel to penetrate with any raiding army that has wall breakers, particularly for early town levels.

Compartmentalized Compart

This blueprint uses walls to create many separate compartments containing one to several buildings within the base of operations.

The advantage of this design is that it slows attacking troops downward significantly while they are moving from one compartment to some other leaving time for your defences to destroy them.

The disadvantage to this method is that it requires a majority of your walls sometimes significant y'all must brand a choice of what to go along within and outside of your base.

Tips! Spread out your storages - Don't place any ane defense directly next to the same defence. Spread them out! Watch replays and update your base - Use the replays of attacks on your base to assistance improve your defence and continue the next raider out.

Clash Of Clans Base Ideas,


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